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Shamrock Running Club

2019 Canada Day Half Marathon

The tradition continues! For 2019, the Annual Canada Day Half Marathon the route will run from the washrooms at the west end of Springbank Park, down to the dam, east to the Thames Valley Golf Course, north to Riverside Drive, west to Hyde Park Road, north to Sunningdale Road, west to Denfield Road, north to Medway road, west to Vanneck Road, and south to 21102 Vanneck, the home of Lisa King and her husband where there will be a pot-luck, horsey-back rides and great music. Route details to be sorted out the night before the event, as usual. (We're kidding, a little.)

SIGN UP HERE (or on Facebook):

Name: *
Email Address: *
Half/Relay/Volunteer: *
Security Question: What year is it?:


We'll have 1 school bus that will leave the finish line at 10:30 AM and will be back to pick up another load, leaving at 12:00 PM, and the final trip back to Springbank Park will be at 2:00 PM.

You can bring the stuff that you want at the finish line to the start line and we'll transport it to the finish line for you. "Stuff" includes a change of clothes, your car keys, your food and drink for after the run, a lawn chair... There are lots of washrooms at Springbank Park, which we hope will be open. Otherwise, there is a Tim Hortons at the corner of Hyde Park and Sarnia Roads.


Don't think you're ready for a half marathon yet? Get a bunch of friends together and run it as a relay! You'll want to arrange your own relay vehicle to switch out your runners. Or try it as a bike/run day with 2 runners and 1 bike leap-frogging your way along the route. We can provide advice on how to coordinate things, so just indicate that you'll run it as a relay when you sign up.


Here is the route.

We'll sing O Canada at 8:00 and the starting bugle will sound at roughly 8:05. From there, we'll run 21.1 km, until we find the post-race beer and carb fest.


Even though there is no charge, we need to know if you're coming to ensure we have enough supplies.


We will be 'passing the hat', though, so if you could bring some spare change with you ($10's and $20's qualify as "change"), it will help us out with some of the costs associated with holding the event. Any excess funds will to go a worthy local cause (no, not our beer fund - an actual charitable cause).


We can always use some volunteers to help out at water stops. If a friend or family member will be attending the race with you, let us keep them busy supporting other runners. Just sign up on our registration form!


Did we say 'NO CHARGE' above? Well, there is a small charge: we need you to bring a bit of post-race snacks and/or beverages (beer and coolers are quite popular) to share at the after party. Don't go crazy - we always have way too much food. Also, bring a lawn chair!


This is a fun run, and there is no charge. We'll be keeping track of your finish times, but other than that you should consider this a fun run / training run. There won't be police escorts for the leader or at the street crossings. By entering this race/run, you'll need to look both ways as you cross the street so that you don't get hit by a pick-up truck, grain thresher, or stray cow. Run facing traffic, and pull over to the side on the off chance that you encounter any oncoming cars or hay wagons during the run.


Note that this event is an "invitational" race/run. If you are reading this page, consider yourself invited. And tell your friends they're invited, too. .

WAIVER: By virtue of running all or part of this half marathon route, participants and volunteers agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Shamrock Running Club, its executive, members, instructors and agents and the owners of the facilities and premises at which any Club activities may be held of and from any and all claims, or claims by any member of their family or any other person accompanying them or attending as their guest at any training session or competition or other event of the Shamrock Running Club or while in or on the training facilities, premises, grounds or the surrounding area thereto, including any claim arising as a result of any action or inaction by the Shamrock Running Club, its executive, members, instructors and agents or the owners of the facilities and premises, whether through negligence or otherwise.

Copyright 2007 Shamrock Running Club

Monday, October 21, 2024