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Shamrock Running Club

Niagara Falls - 07 - Jody's Random Thoughts and Mutterings

look at all these friggin people in their skin tight running gear- should have worn my molson canadian tee-shirt and jean cutoffs with black dress socks ..shake my head and think would it not be faster to drive the 21 km..why am I running this.honey if your gonna sing the national anthems at least practice the words..her we go...why do my feet hurt..my grandpa's had two steel hips..ouch -would you look at that pony tail..gotta run faster..ouch the hips again..nice cheering section for us along the way...do you think they have beer at the finish line..wow he is friggin old and why is he passing me..wow that kid is 12 yrs old and doing this..damn I wish I had that udder cream now..wonder how Brian, Jed and Bruce are doing..hate those fast guys..wish they weren't so ultra supportive and positive all the time..should I pass someone just to see what it's like...damn i wonder what I am missing on TV..should get one of those watch/GPS thingies to see how slow I am going..hey look that guy is all red faced and throwing up- think I can pass him now...can't belive the Leafs won last night..another pony tail- focus jody focus.. 7 mile marker..what does that mean?- damn the metric system..at 70 mles per hour my mom use to yell at me so it must be over 120 km..yeah 12 km...what the hell is this 35 km marker..where am I...is that 35 to go? ..I thought Bruce said this was a half marathon..probably Jed put me in the full and said he would pick me up..how does paula always smile and stay in front of me..is Brian really the bionic woman with a beter smile..gosh I'm getting tired..I wonder..what do Bruce and Jenny do to their kids to make them run- why would anyone do this to their kids!..wonder if I could beat that kid in Grade 4 who always beat me in our school track..was his name Arnie??...Heather sure seems like a nice lady- why is she mixed up in all this..back to the huffing..hey look token happy couple talking as if they were walking in the park..friggin annoyin fast people...shh..listen to that annoying jacket friction sound coming from that tall girl...could ask her to take it off..are you nuts jody she will kill you...11 miles..where is Kelly..bet she finished already..she always runs so fast and wonders why her legs hurt....simple answer fast people -slow the frig down...holy smackers why did i do this again...11 mile marker ..things looking better..time to pop another power chocolate ball...damn that melted in my shorts..oooh that'll look nasty from the..water break...what did Jed say about the cup again..bite the top half of the cup off to prevent spillling...wish I could just lay down for a minue... holy smokes it says 1 km to go..another pony tail..think I am going to pass her..ouch grandpa's hips don't think so...hey voices...cheering for me I think..I am friggin delirious...gotta put the pedal down to finish..always seems like I am buring and then I look down and another old guy passes me...finish line here i come..God i love RUNNING!!!

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Monday, October 21, 2024